Why use PVC Panels in Bathrooms?

Throughout the globe, PVC panels and sheets are attracting the attention of interior designers, builders, and other professionals, apart from finding adoration from homemakers and customers. The reasons are multiple as listed in the FAQ section of our website.

  • Ensure Dry and Hygienic Conditions: Bathrooms/washrooms being prone to moisture and wet conditions need a material that is waterproof and damp proof. Moreover, it has to quite easy to dry up after usage. We must remember that dry bathrooms are less prone to bacterial growths and fungi attacks – the microorganisms which love the moist and damp atmosphere. PVC Panels and sheets being manufactured as dry sheets are super convenient for bathrooms.
  • No Mess: Moreover, PVC panels do not require construction material like cement and grout/mortar etc. for installation. They can be fitted in dry conditions and followed no mess unlike left by cement and mortar work.
  • No Dingy Groves: Since PVC sheets come with a special tongue and groove mechanism and a self-adhesive tape, they clamp each other tightly and leave no place for dirt and water to seep through.
  • Water Tight Panels: Due to its typical watertight structure, PVC panels and sheets do not allow any water seepage through them. This quality keeps the bathrooms/shower rooms safe, dry and health-friendly.
  • Versatility in Colors and Designs: PVC panels require not much expertise and time to install and uninstall. They are customizable, much to the delight of your creative pulse. Not only you find a large array for color combinations and designs of PVC panels available in the market, but you also get to arrange them as per your choice and taste. The extensive variety and vibrant color combos ensure you can let your creative juices flow freely, making your bathroom as vibrant and lively as your other rooms.